We are reminded the Joe Biden worked the 2009 Obama admin stimulus effort…
With his boos President Obama working the healthcare program that would come to have his name on it? Vice President Joe Biden was give the job of helping oversee the hundreds of billions that where...
View ArticleFauci will counter his boss before the US Senate…Wants slower reopening…
The nations top infectious expert will appear before the Republican led Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee along with Stephen Hahn, head of the Food and Drug Administration; Robert...
View ArticleYour supermarket IS charging more for stuff….
My wife has been looking at me over the last month and saying…. ‘The price of this is crazy!’…. (Price Sales????) That ….And she’ll put the product back…. Sometimes…. You’ll notice that paper products...
View ArticleFed Chair wants Congress to drop more stimulus money into the economy ….
The nation’s top banking watchdog is worried that not enough money has been dropped into the nation’s economy…. While US Senate Leader McConnell had been talking about waiting for another money bill?...
View ArticleAfter last weeks drop…Jobless claims go back up…States behind in processing...
They had shown a drop of about million last week…. But they’ve climbed back up…. 36 million are on record related to the virus crisis… Some state’s have not even process the requests for government...
View ArticleThe Federal Government’s Virus/Economy business rescue plan seems to have...
The action to close down America for months IS causing business, Big, Small and Medium size pain and closure…. Those mom and pop businesses that may have been on the edge are suffering just as some...
View ArticleHome mortgage payments begin to fall behind….
Not working….Less money? Ya eat…. You do NOT pay the mortgage… Last time the American economy tanked? It was the housing/real estate market…. And that took years to come back… This economy drop is way...
View ArticleThe Big Apple could go broke form the Virus economic hurt….
New York Mayor de Blasio has been blunt in his push to reopen his city or get a big government bailout check…. If no one wants to help? De Blasio wants to borrow to 7 Billion dollars to keep things...
View ArticleDonald Trump says the economy is his answer against racism?
Ah Donald? Ya keep ducking dealing with you bad side directly, eh? Don’t want to get to close to things from behind that ‘fence’ you have around you and your house we pay for, eh? President Trump said...
View ArticleBreaking…Stock Market craters…Down more than 1, 700 points at one point….
In reaction to the Fed Chair’s warnings that the economy is NOT gonna get better in a ‘V’ recovery… And? Reports that virus spikes are growing in the South and Mid West…. And? The Treasury Sec saying...
View ArticleTrump and Republicans are on different page’s on any more virus stimulus...
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro says his boss wants a $2 trillion relief package to hold up the economy going forward…. Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council, says no...
View ArticleBreaking!….The Fed Reserve will begin just loaning money to big corporation’s...
This IS a sleeper that will NOT go unnoticed by Wall Street… This smacks of the 2008/2009 debt crisis… They are proping up things…. The Federal Reserve is WORRIED…. They are moving ahead of the Trump...
View ArticleCongress has to decide on the extra $600 a week jobless money….
While some Republicans want to stop the extra money at the end of July…. The Fed Chair, Trump and the Democrats want it to continue… Trying to tag amounts it to prior salary amounts won’t work either…...
View ArticleRetail sales number up for May….But?
As governor’s lift virus restrictions…. People leave home and begin buying things not just on-line and not just water, toilet paper and paper towels…. But? A LOT of people aren’t back to work…. And...
View ArticleJobless benefits claims increase by 1.5 million last week…They are NOT falling….
Things are NOT getting better ….. People are not going back to work in record numbers…. And Congress and Trump are dancing around extending additional unemployment benefits past July 31…. Oh, and the...
View ArticleSupreme’s back Trump’s ability to level tariff’s…..
They do so by NOT hearing challenges against the lower courts siding with a President’s ability to level them if Congress does NOT close a loophole for President’s to use to get around the law that...
View ArticleUnemployment claims are $1.4M for last week….
It has been 14 weeks since the claims have been over a million from the virus shutdowns and restriction’s on America …. While NorthEastern states are sending people back to work? Southern and MidWest...
View ArticleYes…Donald Trump IS. losing some who help put him in office …
The NY Times sits down with people who voted for Trump last time ,.. We get a snapshot of them and why some of them have changed their minds… For some, the disenchantment started almost as soon as...
View Article4.8M jobs added to economy in June…Jobless rate drops to still not so good...
A little bit of alright news…. But some state’s are closing some social things back down…. And? Local and State Government’s are working own budgets for next year that will have cuts and maybe...
View Article1.3 million people applied for new jobless benefits last week …
The weekly numbers have dropped since April… But MILES above the numbers before the virus lockdowns and restrictions began… And? Some increases are creeping back with some states may be in for...
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